Reading tonight at Hordaland Kunstsenter, Bergen, Norway

by Travis Jeppesen on November 7, 2017

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Travis Jeppesen er Hordaland kunstsenters gjest i november, og gjør en opplesning og presentasjon av sin praksis.

Travis Jeppesen er skribent og kunstner, bosatt i Berlin. Han har skrevet en rekke romaner, blant annet The Suiciders, Victims, og Wolf at the Door. Han skriver kunstkritikk og står bak konseptet kalt objekt-orientert skriving, en slags metafysisk form for å skrive som forsøker å kanalisere objekters indre liv. Jeppesens første store objekt-orienterte skriveprosjekt, titulert 16 Sculptures, ble publisert i bokform av Publication Studio, presentert ved Whitney-biennalen som en lydinstallasjon, og utgjorde utgangspunktet for en separatutstilling ved Wilkinson Gallery i London. En annen utstilling og publikasjon med Jeppesens kalligrafiske arbeid, New Writing, ble lansert ved Exile, Berlin, mai 2016. Jeppesens siste bok, See You Again in Pyongyang, blir gitt ut på Hachette i 2018.

Travis Jeppesen er en av de utvalgte deltakerne i Hordaland kunstsenters gjesteprogram for 2017/2018 med tittelen “Writing as and Around Art”. Du kan lese om de andre deltakerne her.

Arrangementet har gratis inngang og er åpent for alle interesserte. Drikke er for salg i baren. Velkommen!

Travis Jeppesen is our new artist-in-residence in November, and will make a public presentation of his work.

Travis Jeppesen is a writer and artist based in Berlin. He is the author of several novels, including The Suiciders, Victims, and Wolf at the Door. In addition to his art criticism, he is known as the creator of object-oriented writing, a metaphysical form of writing-as-embodiment that attempts to channel the inner lives of objects. His first major object-oriented writing project, 16 Sculptures, was published in book format by Publication Studio, featured in the Whitney Biennial as an audio installation, and was the subject of a solo exhibition at Wilkinson Gallery in London. More recently, an exhibition and publication of his calligraphic work, New Writing, was launched at Exile, Berlin, in May 2016. Jeppesen’s latest book, See You Again in Pyongyang, is forthcoming from Hachette in 2018.

Travis Jeppesen is one of the selected participants for Hordaland kunstsenter’s 2017/2018 residency programme “Writing as and Around Art”. You can read about the other participants here.

Free admission and open to all. The bar provides a selection of drinks. Welcome!

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