TONIGHT: Luigi y Luca opening at Artbar, Berlin

by Travis Jeppesen on August 15, 2009

Photography always tells us more about its subjects than they might wish to reveal. In this sense, it is different from the other arts, in that it serves as a collaboration between the artist and the medium. Luigi y Luca understand this better than any other artist duo to have confined themselves to photographic art; unlike most photographers who prefer to look out at the world around them, Luigi y Luca prefer to use the lens as a tool for looking within. In subjecting themselves to this alluring means of inquiry, Luigi y Luca bravely place one another in an extremely vulnerable state, revealing intimate truths about their lives that most of us prefer to keep private.

The Private Album occupies a special place in Luigi y Luca’s developing oeuvre, in that it completely foregoes the glamorous lighting, sets, costumes, and props that have become a hallmark of the duo’s work. An unheralded intimacy occupies the foreground here, affording us a “day in the life” glimpse of the artists-as-lovers in hotels, bathrooms, and beaches during a year of travel through Spain and the United States. No one is as generous as Luigi y Luca in exposing their desires, uncertainties, and love for one another across this shifting domestic terrain. This is the diary of a love-in-progress between two artists continually exploring new ways of uniting as one.

One comment

Isa from Italy, May 21, 2012 at 12:38 PM La posizione della stttuurra, praticamente a ridosso dell’Arena di , ne fa sicuramente un punto di forza. Segnalo positivamente la disponibilite0 e l’attenzione del personale della reception, nonche8 l’impeccabile pulizia della camera. Buona anche la colazione, sicuramente tornerf2 all’Hotel San Luca la prossima volta che verrf2 a Verona.

by Rifki on October 19, 2015 at 9:02 am. #

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