Archive for the “Uncategorized” category

At the Wallace Collection

by Travis Jeppesen on April 28, 2016

The floppy-titted multitude of holding on When pictures stood still and the mind had to make its own motions ——– orgy of dissatisfaction shows me yr ruler, the whistling baby – until time denounces itself – shadow of a planet’s (…)

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New Writing II

by Travis Jeppesen on April 24, 2016

New Writing @ Exile

by Travis Jeppesen on April 23, 2016

The purpose of ALL writing should be to create an entirely new language every time one sits down with pen in hand.   Unafraid of “asignification” (meaninglessness.) Because, like writer’s block, it doesn’t actually exist. (New language = new meanings.) (…)

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Poem about the dryness

by Travis Jeppesen on April 22, 2016

Surface rumble is my fucker giraffe. To be an austrian so lightly. Can you touch/fall apart the sky? Oh to be bi. To fuck a goose and not be afraid. Aren’t you inside me not and then what the hell. (…)

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Against Unity

by Travis Jeppesen on April 20, 2016

The world had its own ideas once, and now it has run out of them. This is why we love it so: it’s alive. An animal, to be sure, and lodged in the free-floating that is an apparatus we might (…)

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New Writing

by Travis Jeppesen on April 13, 2016

The Green Ray

by Travis Jeppesen on April 12, 2016


by Travis Jeppesen on September 8, 2015

She wore a dadaistic dildo in her cooch that most men were immune to – but not I of the flying saucer. I have licked of the remnants that most mere earthlings are not politically savvy enough to taste, and (…)

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Declaration of faith

by Travis Jeppesen on September 7, 2015

Standing up for a world I suddenly believed in – I found god in the back of my coat. The harshness of each moment rings an- gelic to me. Fuck death, Rodefer said.


by Travis Jeppesen on May 11, 2015

Time: an essay-poem. At Gobbet Mag.

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