Atalay Yavuz

by Travis Jeppesen on November 12, 2014

My review of Atalay Yavuz’s exhibition in Istanbul is now online at Whitehot Magazine of Contemporary Art.

I, an Object

by Travis Jeppesen on November 10, 2014

My film I, an Object, commissioned by Panel for the exhibition “House Style” in Glasgow in 2013, is now on Vimeo.

ALL FALL: Now Available

by Travis Jeppesen on November 5, 2014


All Fall contains two novellas by Travis Jeppesen and is the sixth book in Publication Studio’s Fellow Travelers Series. “Written in the Sky” is a plane crashing in slow motion. It was written on a red-eye flight from Beijing to Vienna in the fall of 2012. “White Night” is a thoughtscape of Gilles Deleuze in the moments before he suicided by defenestration on November 4th, 1995. All Fall launches on November 4th, the anniversary of Deleuze’s death.


Order your copy of All Fall from Publication Studio.

Poem for My Birthday

by Travis Jeppesen on September 5, 2014

It would be great if

someone told me they

loved me today, though I

won’t expect it and

neither should you,

blue sea over there

shimmering under an

ungodly glare. Window on

to the horizon like a

painting I am making

in my mind, please let me

exist for you so that I

may go away soon. That

man with the funny hat there.

I sit beneath this beach um-

brella in Spain and turn

35-years-old while my

friends doze on lounge chairs

close to mine. The sound of

the waves reminds me of

the womb. I am in Florida

again and there is no ocean

between us. 35-years-old

and no children – no you,

either. Hey: still alive.

All the Great Bunny Rabbit Deservers

by Travis Jeppesen on August 20, 2014

I can’t wait to triumph over my own delusions (it will never happen)

by Travis Jeppesen on August 20, 2014

No Title

by Travis Jeppesen on August 20, 2014

Opening Friday in Copenhagen: Cucumber Bones

by Travis Jeppesen on August 20, 2014


Hannah Heilmann, Uffe Isolotto, Renaud Jerez, Travis Jeppesen, Christian Jeppsson, Yves Scherer, Matthew Smith, Alex Turgeon

22.08.14 – 20.09.14

Opening: Friday, 22 August, 18.00-22.00

Cucumber Bones is an exhibition based on our predilection for attributing human characteristics to objects.
Similarly to when we recognize features or faces in pebbles or a cloud formation, we keep insisting on incorporating human characteristics in the design of our everyday appliances often using cute and emotive anthropomorphisms to counteract their inanimate properties. This wish seemingly opposes the contemporary human self-image that is migrating towards a more clinical, technological state of being.
Cucumber Bones features a group of works that in different ways explore forms of anthropomorphisms and their inherent connection to notions of nature-culture. In function and gesture these work oscillates between human and artificial, between utility and fog.
In medias such as animation, sculpture, assemblage, text and installation the artists give inanimate objects human features dealing with the foolish, tabooed and sometimes banally humane in being human.
This exhibition emerges from these diverse conceptions of human conditions, dealing both with physical and aesthetic characteristics within that range of (pseudo) bodily elements that we have become so invested in technically bridging.


Siljangade 8
2300 Copenhagen S

Organized by Anna Frost & Christian Jeppsson

No Title (Time-object)

by Travis Jeppesen on August 17, 2014

If I could re-entitize myself, he says, I wouldn’t want to be man or beast or household humdrum object, the thing I would like to be is Time itself, and yet somehow still alive in the way I am now, able to feel things, that metal object over there, I forget what it is called, it doesn’t matter, can it feel things, for all we know time is nothing but feeling, the type of feeling that can suddenly invade a thing and thus alter it, but no, he continues to say, I can only be the thing I was made to be, which is something not quite human and not quite spectral either, I am an object, and by my essence, I am allergic to that very thing I most wish to be, Time, and therefore I don’t see myself morphing into it anytime soon, however I know that morphing is a process, each moment that passes I become something else, I wasn’t the same object I was even five minutes ago, I feel myself growing hard around the edges and one day I will crumble into dust, will you remember me then, he asks, as I am now, perhaps when I am forgotten by you and everyone, that is the moment I will become Time.

No Title

by Travis Jeppesen on August 15, 2014

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